Wednesday, January 25, 2023

partition plate calculation

download partition plate calculation

partition plate design

This calculation the minimum pass partition plate thickness,table value, pressure drop across the plate,

 code allowable stress in tension at design metal temperature and plate dimension are considered during calculation.

pig launcher asme b 31.4 calculation

download pig launcher asme b 31.4 calculation

pig launcher asme b 31.4 design

The pig launchers and receivers were designed for a coal-bed methane gas production facility in Colorado.
 They are equipped with an integral safety locking system which works on the principle of mechanical key
 interlocking (transfer of keys). This system avoids serious injuries from human error and insures safety of personnel.

pipe thickness asme b 31.8 design calculation

download pipe thickness asme b 31.8 design calculation

pipe thickness asme b 31.8 design

ASME B31.8 is often used as the design standard for natural gas piping systems in several facilities, 
such as compressor stations, gas processing facilities, metering stations, storage tanks and gas transporting pipeline.
 The design pressure for steel gas piping systems or the nominal wall thickness for a given design pressure shall be determined. 
This is the wall thickness computed using an applicable equation such as those stated in paragraph 841.1.1 of ASME B31.8
 or any other applicable code. The nominal wall thickness computed may be used to order the pipe with 
or without allowance to compensate for under thickness.

pipe thickness calculation TD13 design

download pipe thickness calculation TD13 design

pipe thickness TD13 design

ASME TD13 is often used as the design standard for natural gas piping systems in several facilities, such as compressor stations,

 gas processing facilities, metering stations, storage tanks and gas transporting pipeline. The design pressure for steel gas piping 

systems or the nominal wall thickness for a given design pressure shall be determined.

pipe wall thickness design calculation

download pipe wall thickness design calculation

pipe wall thickness design

The design standard for natural gas piping systems in several facilities, such as compressor stations, 
gas processing facilities, metering stations, storage tanks and gas transporting pipeline. The design 
pressure for steel gas piping systems or the nominal wall thickness for a given design pressure shall be determined.

slug force design calculation

download slug force design calculation

slug force design

Slug force is equal to the change in momentum with respect to time. While performing slug flow 

analysis the following two assumptions are made It is assumed that the slug is formed across the 

full cross-section of the pipe for the maximum impact.

spreader beam calculation

download spreader beam calculation

spreader beam design

In these calculations, we will explore the design of a basic spreader beam and see what design checks are 
needed to establish the suitability of a spreader beam for particular lifting operation.

stationary header calculation

download stationary header calculation

stationary header design

In stationary header calculation the design temperature is 260 deg.C, the design pressure is 8kg/cm2 ,corrosion 
allowance is 1.5mm , material of header plate is SA516 Gr.60,the allowable stress is 1054 kg/cm2,the material of gasket is IJA.

storage tank internal coil design calculation

download storage tank internal coil design
storage tank internal coil design

Tank coils are not generally used for the continuous heating or cooling of a flowing stream, but are usually applied in the heating or cooling of
a liquid contained in a tank on a batch basis. The flow of heat into or out of the liquid, involves unsteady or transient heat transfer.

davit design calculation

download davit design calculation

davit design

A davit is a popular crane-like device made of steel or aluminum and designed for supporting, raising,
 lateral moving, and lowering people, working platforms, boats, anchors, or other heavy equipment. 
Davit systems can be used to lower a lifeboat to the embarkation level for boarding.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Calculation of Tailing Lug Design

lifting lug calculation

download lifting lug design

tailing lug design

tailing lug calculation

In this calculation the design requirement of lifting or tailing lugs provide lifting lug size, forces, and also how much 

amount of shear stress occurs during lifting the Lug.

Design Calculation of Raw cum Fire Water Storage Tank

In this calculation we are going to design raw cum firewater storage tank, for that I am using AWWA D103-09 

specification code we are taking design parameters, wind load as 50 m/s, and seismic zone II, in this calculation

 we have shell design, roof design, wind Girder, bolt design 

and anchor bolt design. All the design done by AWWA D 103-09.

raw cum fire water storage tank design calculation

download raw cum fire water storage tank design 


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Davit Calculation Design

Davit Calculation Design

Davit Calculation Design

Davit Design

download davit design

davit design calculation

Vessels can be heated in a number of different ways.  This module will deal with indirect heating. In these systems, the heat is transferred across a heat transfer surface.
The optimal outer radius was obtained by several simulations on the tank with different outer radius of the heater, and the required heating surface and diameter of the coil pipe were also calculated.

Calculation of AISC Bolting design

 Calculation of AISC Bolting design

Calculation of AISC Bolting design

AISC Bolting design

AISC Bolting design calculation

Vessels can be heated in a number of different ways.  This module will deal with indirect heating. In these systems, the heat is transferred across a heat transfer surface.
The optimal outer radius was obtained by several simulations on the tank with different outer radius of the heater, and the required heating surface and diameter of the coil pipe were also calculated.

Calculation of Anchors-cross section

Calculation of Anchors-cross section

Calculation of Anchors-cross section

download calculation of anchors cross section

design of anchors-cross section

Vessels can be heated in a number of different ways.  This module will deal with indirect heating. In these systems, the heat is transferred across a heat transfer surface.
The optimal outer radius was obtained by several simulations on the tank with different outer radius of the heater, and the required heating surface and diameter of the coil pipe were also calculated.

Calculation of API 653 Tank Shell Evaluation

Calculation of API 653 Tank Shell Evaluation

Calculation of API 653 Tank Shell Evaluation

Calculation of API 653

download Calculation of API 653

API 653 design calculation

Vessels can be heated in a number of different ways.  This module will deal with indirect heating. In these systems, the heat is transferred across a heat transfer surface.

The optimal outer radius was obtained by several simulations on the tank with different outer radius of the heater, and the required heating surface and diameter of the coil pipe were also calculated.

Heating coil sizing calculation

Heating coil sizing calculation

Heating coil sizing calculation

Heating coil calculation

heating coil design calculation 

download heating coil calculation

Vessels can be heated in a number of different ways.  This module will deal with indirect heating. In these systems, the heat is transferred across a heat transfer surface.

The optimal outer radius was obtained by several simulations on the tank with different outer radius of the heater, and the required heating surface and diameter of the coil pipe were also calculated.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

digital marketing company

 digital marketing company

digital marketing company

digital marketing agency

digital marketing services

online marketing company

seo services

seo company



Digital marketing and online marketing are same. Promoting the client product with internet and 

other forms of digital platforms to connect with potential customers.

What does our digital marketing expert do?

 They work with email, social media, and web-based advertising, and effective content writing and 

multimedia messages as a marketing channel

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Skid Design Service

Skid Design Service 

3D Modelling of complete Skid

Modular Process Skid Design

Skid Design and Dynamic Analysis

Skid Design Service



3d-labs specialized in cost effective structural skid designs services. A skid is a process system 

which contains a frame or structure containing pressure vessels, heat exchanger, pumps, valves, 

instrumentation, and so on.

3d-labs has wide experience in design of equipment and piping skids of a wide variety. Skid design 

will comply with international standards and customer specifications Ensure safe lifting, 

transportation and operation. Optimize skid costs, by reducing unnecessary costs Ensure 

sufficient stiffness (at key locations) to avoid vibration problems for components mounted on the 


Skid Design and Dynamic Analysis

Skid Design and Dynamic Analysis 

3D Modelling of complete Skid

Modular Process Skid Design

Skid Design and Dynamic Analysis

Skid Design Service



3d-labs specialized in cost effective structural skid designs services. A skid is a process system 

which contains a frame or structure containing pressure vessels, heat exchanger, pumps, valves, 

instrumentation, and so on.

3d-labs has wide experience in design of equipment and piping skids of a wide variety. Skid design 

will comply with international standards and customer specifications Ensure safe lifting, 

transportation and operation. Optimize skid costs, by reducing unnecessary costs Ensure 

sufficient stiffness (at key locations) to avoid vibration problems for components mounted on the 


Modular Process Skid Design

                                                          Modular Process Skid Design 

3D Modelling of complete Skid

Modular Process Skid Design

Skid Design and Dynamic Analysis

Skid Design Service



3d-labs specialized in cost effective structural skid designs services. A skid is a process system 

which contains a frame or structure containing pressure vessels, heat exchanger, pumps, valves, 

instrumentation, and so on.

3d-labs has wide experience in design of equipment and piping skids of a wide variety. Skid design 

will comply with international standards and customer specifications Ensure safe lifting, 

transportation and operation. Optimize skid costs, by reducing unnecessary costs Ensure 

sufficient stiffness (at key locations) to avoid vibration problems for components mounted on the 


3D Modelling of complete Skid

                                                 3D Modelling of complete Skid 

3D Modelling of complete Skid

Modular Process Skid Design

Skid Design and Dynamic Analysis

Skid Design Service



3d-labs specialized in cost effective structural skid designs services. A skid is a process system 

which contains a frame or structure containing pressure vessels, heat exchanger, pumps, valves, 

instrumentation, and so on.

3d-labs has wide experience in design of equipment and piping skids of a wide variety. Skid design 

will comply with international standards and customer specifications Ensure safe lifting, 

transportation and operation. Optimize skid costs, by reducing unnecessary costs Ensure 

sufficient stiffness (at key locations) to avoid vibration problems for components mounted on the 


storage tank internal coil design   storage tank heating coil design calculation tank coil system design calcul...