Monday, October 23, 2023

zincalume water storage tank design in Morocco

zincalume water storage tank design in Morocco 

 Zincalume Water Storage Tanks are manufactured from steel sheet which has 

 been continuously coated with zinc and aluminium to produce the excellent corrosion

 resistance that is commonly experienced by tanks that are exposed to the

 harshest of atmospheric conditions.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

Zincalume Tanks in Morocco

Zincalume Tanks in Morocco 

 3d-labs provide services for Storage Tanks, 3D-LABS executed by a diligent team of

 professionals, which is highly skilled and makes use of latest technologies to carry 

 out this service in the most effective manner.Our support services cover all aspects 

 of storage tank mechanical and process and thermal design,

 and specialized in AWWA, AS2304, API, EN etc..

 Our Tank Offerings

 * Vertical Tanks Design

 * Cone-Bottom Tanks Design

 * Open-Top Tanks Design

 * Horizontal Tanks Calculations

 * Steel-Lined Vessels Design

 * Non-Standard Tanks & Custom

 Portable Water Tank Design

 Raw Water Storage Tank Design

 GLS Tank

 ACF Treated Water Tank

 Ro Reject Water Storage Tank

 Silo Design

 Corrugated Tank

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

zincalume grain storage tank design in Morocco

zincalume grain storage tank design in Morocco 

 The worldwide use of silo storage tanks for secure bulk goods. Many businesses,

 from the oil industries to local food producers,use silos to store large quantities 

 of any material without compromising it.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

zincalume grain storage silo design in Morocco

zincalume grain storage silo design in Morocco 

 In order to maximize grain storage life and preserve their yield, many farmers choose 

 to store their grains in silos. Silos are high-capacity commercial or industrial   

 structures that are used for permanent grain storage. Besides storage, silos also

 provide other post-harvest management functions. It is a tall structure or pit on a 

 farm used for stocking up bulk materials and is used in   agriculture for the purpose

 of  storing grain or fermented feed, known as silage. Silos are more frequently used

 for storing bulks of grain, carbon black, coal,

 cement, wood chips, sawdust, and food products.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

wheat storage silo design in Morocco

wheat storage silo design in Morocco 

  A silo is a large container used to store bulk materials , mainly used 

  in the farming industry to store wheat, grain, and silage. The primary function of a 

  wheat silo is to provide isolation and protection to improve the storage  life of wheat

  and increase productivity. Three types of silos are in widespread use today: tower silos, 

  bunker silos, and bag silos. Developing countries primarily need silos for storing food 

  grains safely for long periods of time. They are designed to keep the grains safe from

  rodents, insects, moisture, fire, natural calamities like floods and earthquakes, wars, etc.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

Superior Bolted Tank in Morocco

Superior Bolted Tank in Morocco 

 Superior Tank can help with everything for water and oil storage; from tank engineering, 

 bolted & welded tank manufacturing and tank installation. We were founded on three basic

 principles: continuous innovation, a focus on quality and treating people with respect and

 integrity. A bolted steel storage tank is composed of rolled steel tank panels that are 

 connected together via bolted connections to form a vertical cylinder used for the

 storage of liquid and dry bulk materials.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

rice storage silo design in Morocco

rice storage silo design in Morocco 

  A rice silo can be equipped with a choice of unloading systems according to the

  grain and its quantity minimizing the loss. Efficient Storage You can conserve tons 

  of rice in grain storage silos whereas the storage quantity is limited in conventional 

  storage systems. Steel silos can be used as grain silos to store many varieties of

  grains such as rice, wheat, bean, and corn.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

grain storage tank design in Morocco

grain storage tank design in Morocco 

 Storage structures made of materials available locally are designed to protect

 grain from weather, insects, mites, fungi , rodents, and birds. Grain may be

 stored in the field in piles or on vertical poles for varying periods after the harvest.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

grain storage silo design in Morocco

grain storage silo design in Morocco 

  A silo is a structure for storing bulk materials. Silos are used in agriculture 

  to store fermented feed known as silage, not to be confused with a grain bin, 

  which is used to store grains. Silos are commonly used for bulk storage of grain, 

  coal, cement, carbon black, woodchips, food products, and sawdust. Large steel

  silos can be used to store various agricultural, commercial and industrial products

  such as grains, cement, fly ash, and mineral materials, thus meeting the storage

  needs of most enterprises in modern society. Storage silos consume less storage 

  space compared to horizontal storage warehouses. The materials or products are

  stored under optimal conditions. Storage silos cost less compared to other storage 


  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

grain storage bins design in Morocco

grain storage bins design in Morocco 

  Grain bins are vented corrugated steel structures used for storing 

  dry grains such as soybeans , shelled dry corn, oats, wheat, barley, 

  sunflower seeds, and other products used for human consumption,

  animal feed or fuel manufacturing.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

GLS tank -AWWA D103 Design

GLS tank -AWWA D103 Design 

 Glass Fused to steel / Glass -lined  steel technology,

 is a leading solution which combines the advantages

 of both materials the strength and flexibility of the 

 steel and high corrosion resistance of the glass. 

 The glass fused to the Steel at 1500-1650 deg. F. 

 become a new material: glass fused to steel 

 with perfect anti-corrosion performance.

Galvanized Storage Tank in Morocco

Galvanized Storage Tank in Morocco 

 some of the best galvanized steel water tanks available on the market today.

 Our tanks make top choices among water tanks in terms of their construction

 material, engineering design, volume capacity, available options, customization ability,

 certification and company support. Our steel water tanks are produced by North America’s

 leading steel tank manufacturers Aquamate Tanks and CorGal Water Storage Tanks, Inc .

 with more than 30 years experience, growth and industry know-how on providing quality,

 reliable water tank products. These large capacity steel water tanks are perfect for

 scenarios that need a long lasting,  compatible and certified source of clean water backed

 with a leading warranty system. Our galvanized steel water tank products are fabricated in

 the USA according to modern codes and law requirements for sizable building structures

 intended to hold large capacities of water.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

Epoxy-Coated Tank in Morocco

Epoxy-Coated Tank in Morocco 

 Epoxy-lined storage tanks are epoxy lined carbon steel vessels.

 They are designed for commercial and industrial systems that require 

 internal protection more robust than traditional fabricated plain steel designs.

 The tanks are designed to store water for a potable water or water heating system.

 Adaptation of materials to their environment, their chemical inertness and their 

 mechanical strength are fundamental criteria when choosing a tank.

 APRO Industrie epoxy-coated steel tanks meet the needs of the most demanding

 storage requirements, whether they be due to temperature, pH variation or the chemical

 composition of the liquids (chlorides, sulphates, H2S, demineralised water etc.). 

 Our epoxy solutions combine mechanical strength, corrosion resistance,

 tolerance to high temperatures, longevity and competitivity.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

Elevated water tanks in Morocco

 Elevated water storage tanks are used to store water for fire protection and potable drinking
 water within a designated area or community. Elevated tanks allow the natural force of gravity 
 to produce consistent water pressure throughout the system.  Based on the intended application
 and needs of the distribution area, elevated water tanks can be engineered using a broad range
 of shapes, sizes, and materials.  For more than 100 years, Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group (PTTG)
 has been a dedicated steel tank fabricator and provider of quality above-ground storage and 
 elevated tanks for customers throughout the US. Our elevated storage tanks are engineered,
 manufactured, and constructed within American Water Works Association and National Fire
 Protection Association (AWWA and NFPA) guidelines, and are built to meet location-specific
 industry requirements and regulations.
 Elevated Storage Tank Types
 Elevated water storage tanks are typically manufactured by tank builders from carbon steel,
 which is inexpensive to form and exceptionally durable. Carbon steel is easy to maintain,
 and steel elevated tanks have been known to last up to 60 years. Below is a list of some 
 of the most common tank designs.
 Double Ellipsoidal
 Constructed of a cylindrical side wall welded to an ellipsoid top and bottom and supported 
 by steel beams and columns, double ellipsoidal storage tanks are often considered to be
 the standard tank style. At Pittsburgh Tank & Tower, we offer the following
 double ellipsoidal storage tank sizes.
 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

corrugated tank design code in Morocco

corrugated tank design code in Morocco 

 Corrugated steel tanks are a superb storage option for rainwater collection, 

 fresh water storage , fire protection, irrigation water storage, water treatment,

 and more. Corrugated Steel Tanks Applications:

 Rainwater Collection.

 Process Water Storage. 

 Water Treatment Tanks.

 Fresh Water Storage Tanks. 




 Fire Protection Tanks.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

corrugated storage tank design in Morocco

corrugated storage tank design in Morocco 

 Storage tanks are containers that hold liquids, compressed gases

 (gas tank; or in U.S.A " pressure vessel", which is not typically

 labeled or regulated as a storage tank) or mediums used for the

 short- or long-term storage of heat or cold. Water tanks are used 

 to provide storage of water for use in many applications, including

 drinking water, irrigation agriculture,  fire suppression, agricultural

 farming, both for plants and livestock, chemical manufacturing,

 food preparation as well as many other uses.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

Corrugated steel tanks design in Morocco

Corrugated steel tanks design in Morocco 

 Corrugated steel tanks can be used to store water for just about any purpose.

 That means, no matter your reason for wanting to use all that rainwater , 

 you’ll be able to store it. What are some things your stored water can be

 used for? Here’s a list of some common uses


 Drinking water


 Irrigating crops


 Corrugated steel tanks are great for many water storage uses, but they

 aren’t limited to water. Many other substances can be stored in these tanks. 

 Liquids and solids alike do well in corrugated steel tanks. From acids to

 detergents, animal food, to biofuels, you’ll have a way to store them if you

 use a corrugated steel tank. To add to their versatility, corrugated steel tanks

 come in just about any size. They can even hold up to nearly 3 million gallons 

 if you’d like them to.

 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

bolted water storage tank design in Morocco

bolted water storage tank design in Morocco 

  A bolted steel storage tank is composed of rolled steel tank panels that 

  are connected together via bolted connections to form a vertical cylinder 

  used for the storage of liquid and dry bulk materials. Applications of

  Bolted TanksWater Sector: Storage of Drinking or Potable Water, 

  Rural Water Districts, Subdivision/Private Water Systems, Water 

  Storage at Municipality,  Fire Protection Systems, Waste Water,

  Finish Water, Process Water, Disinfection, Filtration, 

  and Sludge Storage.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

bolted tank design code in Morocco

bolted tank design code in Morocco 

  A bolted steel storage tank is composed of rolled steel tank panels that are 

  connected together via bolted connections to form a vertical cylinder used

  for the storage of liquid and dry bulk materials. A Bolted tank is one of the 

  atmospheric storage tanks that also play an important role as an alternative to

  the Welded Tank. These tanks are made from factory-manufactured section staves

  (known as a Shell-Course in Welded Tank) that have been manufactured in a

  quality-controlled factory setting. Applications of Bolted Tanks Water Sector: 

  Storage of Drinking or Potable Water, Rural Water Districts, Subdivision/Private

  Water Systems, Water Storage at Municipality, Fire Protection Systems,

  Waste Water, Finish Water, Process Water, Disinfection, Filtration, 

  and Sludge Storage.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

Bolted Storage Tanks in Morocco

Bolted Storage Tanks in Morocco  

 Bolted Storage Tanks

 bolted storage tanks

 Bulk Storage Tank

 Dry Bulk Storage

 Elevated Water Tanks

 Storage Tank

 Bolted Tank

 Steel Tanks

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

bolted storage silo design in Morocco

bolted storage silo design in Morocco 

  Bolted silos are mainly used to store large quantities of various bulk materials ,

  in particular gravel, hardcore, chippings and non-metallic minerals.

  The silos are manufactured with standard diameters of 4,647 mm – 

  12,000 mm. Cone inclinations of 45°, 55° and 60° are available.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

bolted silo design in Morocco

bolted silo design in Morocco 

 Bolted silos are mainly used to store large quantities of various bulk materials ,

   in particular gravel, hardcore, chippings, and non-metallic minerals.

   The silos are manufactured with standard diameters of 4,647 mm – 12,000 mm. 

   Cone inclinations of 45°, 55°, and 60° are available. Bolted silos are mainly used

   to store large quantities of various bulk materials, in particular gravel, hardcore,

   chippings, and non-metallic minerals. The silos are manufactured with standard

   diameters of 4,647 mm – 12,000 mm.

   CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

awwa d103 sample pdf in Morocco

awwa d103 download in Morocco 

  3d-labs Services offers skid structure designs and 

  3D modeling solutions for organizations across leading sectors to suit their equipment.

  3d-labs is a complete engineering design and  Piping and Structural detailing service provider in Morocco.

  3d-labs Services offers skid structure designs and 3D modeling solutions for organizations across leading 

  sectors to suit their equipment. 3d-labs is a complete engineering design and  Piping and Structural detailing 

  service provider in Morocco. 3d-labs provide heat exchanger thermal design and pressure vessel process design

  and also detailing in an accurate and timely manner Pressure vessel design. Pressure vessels are widely

  used in industries  such as oil and gas, petrochemical, refining, and brewery. Pharmaceuticals many more...

  3d-labs Morocco has specialize in an dedicated to helping you find the right people to fill your requirements.

  We provide the best temporary staffing solutions and also provide manpower outsourcing services or manpower 

  supply services from Morocco. We identify qualified candidates whose skills match the specific disciplines you require.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

awwa d103 tank design in Morocco

awwa d103 bolted tank in Morocco  

  awwa d103 tank calculation in Morocco 

  awwa d103 design services in Morocco

 3d-labs Services offers skid structure designs and 

  3D modeling solutions for organizations across leading sectors to suit their equipment.

  3d-labs is a complete engineering design and  Piping and Structural detailing service provider in Morocco.

  3d-labs Services offers skid structure designs and 3D modeling solutions for organizations across leading 

  sectors to suit their equipment. 3d-labs is a complete engineering design and  Piping and Structural detailing 

  service provider in Morocco. 3d-labs provide heat exchanger thermal design and pressure vessel process design

  and also detailing in an accurate and timely manner Pressure vessel design. Pressure vessels are widely

  used in industries  such as oil and gas, petrochemical, refining, and brewery. Pharmaceuticals many more...

  3d-labs Morocco has specialize in an dedicated to helping you find the right people to fill your requirements.

  We provide the best temporary staffing solutions and also provide manpower outsourcing services or manpower 

  supply services from Morocco. We identify qualified candidates whose skills match the specific disciplines you require.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077


as2304 sample pdf in Morocco

as2304 download in Morocco

  as2304 bolted tank design in Morocco

  3d-labs specialized in AS-2304 storage tank design services. Storage tank design 

  will comply with international standards and customer specifications ,

  safe installation transportation , and operation. Optimize tank costs by reducing 

  unnecessary costs , and sufficient stiffness (at key locations) to avoid environmental

  problems for components mounted on the tank. AS2304 standards dictate the water 

  storage requirements for fire protection and set out the minimum requirements for 

  the design, construction, installation, commissioning and maintenance of bolted 

  steel circular and rectangular water tanks for the storage of water for fire

  protection systems. This Standard also provides guidance on water sources and

  qualities that influence tank design and construction, together with

  water conservation measures Fire hose reel systems to AS/NZS 1221.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

as2304 tank design in Morocco

  as2304 bolted tank in Morocco

 as2304 tank calculation in Morocco 

   as2304 design services in Morocco

  3d-labs specialized in AS-2304 storage tank design services. Storage tank design 

  will comply with international standards and customer specifications ,

  safe installation transportation , and operation. Optimize tank costs by reducing 

  unnecessary costs , and sufficient stiffness (at key locations) to avoid environmental

  problems for components mounted on the tank. AS2304 standards dictate the water 

  storage requirements for fire protection and set out the minimum requirements for 

  the design, construction, installation, commissioning and maintenance of bolted 

  steel circular and rectangular water tanks for the storage of water for fire

  protection systems. This Standard also provides guidance on water sources and

  qualities that influence tank design and construction, together with

  water conservation measures Fire hose reel systems to AS/NZS 1221.

  CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

storage tank internal coil design   storage tank heating coil design calculation tank coil system design calcul...