Monday, October 23, 2023

Elevated water tanks in Morocco

 Elevated water storage tanks are used to store water for fire protection and potable drinking
 water within a designated area or community. Elevated tanks allow the natural force of gravity 
 to produce consistent water pressure throughout the system.  Based on the intended application
 and needs of the distribution area, elevated water tanks can be engineered using a broad range
 of shapes, sizes, and materials.  For more than 100 years, Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group (PTTG)
 has been a dedicated steel tank fabricator and provider of quality above-ground storage and 
 elevated tanks for customers throughout the US. Our elevated storage tanks are engineered,
 manufactured, and constructed within American Water Works Association and National Fire
 Protection Association (AWWA and NFPA) guidelines, and are built to meet location-specific
 industry requirements and regulations.
 Elevated Storage Tank Types
 Elevated water storage tanks are typically manufactured by tank builders from carbon steel,
 which is inexpensive to form and exceptionally durable. Carbon steel is easy to maintain,
 and steel elevated tanks have been known to last up to 60 years. Below is a list of some 
 of the most common tank designs.
 Double Ellipsoidal
 Constructed of a cylindrical side wall welded to an ellipsoid top and bottom and supported 
 by steel beams and columns, double ellipsoidal storage tanks are often considered to be
 the standard tank style. At Pittsburgh Tank & Tower, we offer the following
 double ellipsoidal storage tank sizes.
 CONTACT NO : 00212609096077

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